
Qld State Government      
The Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation has been made possible through a proud relationship between QUT, CSIRO and the Queensland State Government. In 2008, QUT and CSIRO entered into a five year research joint venture agreement for the creation of the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation. The establishment of the physical Centre was co-funded through the Queensland State Government’s Smart State Research Facilities Fund. In 2013, ARCAA entered into a new phase of operations, as the joint venture between QUT and CSIRO ended. The strong research collaboration between QUT and CSIRO has persisted however, especially on large scale collaborative research projects such as Project ResQu. As a research centre of QUT's Institute for Future Environments, ARCAA continues to focus on transitioning paper-based theory to flight proven reality.

Industry Collaborations. Providing Real Solutions

When applied to commercial and civilian operations, unmanned systems technology provides access to real-time data enabling users to make informed business decisions and implement timely responses to safety critical situations. By collaborating with industry partners we’ve successfully applied unmanned technology to transform manned and unmanned operations, providing real-world, high fidelity and cost saving solutions.

ARCAA actively works in collaboration with a wide variety of industry, academic and government organisations including:
  • Australian Association for Unmanned Systems
  • ARS Electronica
  • Australian Research Council
  • Boeing Research & Technology Australia
  • Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  • CRC Plant Biosecurity
  • CRC SI
  • Ergon Energy
  • ETH Zurich
  • Kansas State University
  • MathWorks
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Queensland Government
  • RMIT University
  • Telecom Bretagne
  • Thales
  • rpde
  • University of Stuttgart