Media Coverage


08.02.2016: Don't call them drones [Create Magazine] We need to get away from the idea that there will be human pilots on the ground for every drone that's going to be flying in the air.


02.11.2015: Drone deliveries: Regional and remote Queensland tipped to have parcels delivered from skies in 2016 [ABC News] Operations Manager at Queensland University of Technology's Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA), Andrew Keir, said drones would be seen in regional skies before they appeared in urban locations. 02.11.2015: Australia Post to trial drone deliveries within 12 months [ABC 612] ARCAA's Operation Manager, Andrew Keir speak with breakfast host Spencer Howson about Australia Post's delivery drone trials. 01.11.2015: Avoidance Complex [Velocity 2015] Around the globe, aviation organizations, both public and private, are working to find ways to safely immerse Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) into our communities and the existing aviation airspace. The Queensland University of Technology’s Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA) in Australia, is leading the way. 25.07.2015: Robotronica and QUT's environmental robots [Chanel 7 News] 05.06.2015: The Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA) is doing amazing research that is moving the drone industry forward [The Best Drone Info] The ARCAA conducts research into all aspects of aviation automation, with a specific focus on autonomous technologies which support more efficient and safer utilisation of airspace and the development of autonomous aircraft and on-board sensor systems for a wide range of commercial applications. 29-05-2015: He used to look like a koala [Queensland Business Monthly] Until now, heat sensing equipment could tell us if there was an animal in a tree, but not what kind. And counting was done on foot, so it was slow. 23-05-2015: Scope, Season 3, Episode 57 [Scope] It's all about the science that takes place outside the lab this week on SCOPE! From UAVs to drilling in Antarctica it's all on this extraordinary episode of SCOPE! 03-04-2015: Tweed Shire Council alluding to UQ, QUT (ARCAA) and NSW Office of Environment and Heritage to plan and implement reassessment of the Tweed Coast koala population in 2015 [Echo] Working with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology’s Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation to plan and implement reassessment of the Tweed Coast koala population in 2015 consistent with contemporary best practice and technologies. 06-04-2015: Dogs and drones used to sniff out avocado tree disease [The Packer] South Florida university researchers are using dogs and drones to sniff out a disease that’s killing the region’s avocado trees.The Florida International University researchers are sending dutch sheppards and belgian malinois into avocado groves to locate trees infected by the lethal laurel wilt disease, which is spread by the redbay ambrosia beetle. Drones can aid council: professor [Southern Star] Drones could help Brisbane City Council deliver pest control, collect imagery and assist in disaster management, according to a robotics expert. Duncan Campbell, a QUT professor, addressed council on the role drones could play in delivering services. He said councils outside of Brisbane were looking into drones to monitor sea life and spray mosquitoes. 03-04-2015: Council responds to Black Rocks moratorium call [Echo Netdaily] Working with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology’s Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation to plan and implement reassessment of the Tweed Coast koala population in 2015 consistent with contemporary best practice and technologies. 02-04-2015: UAVs hot on pest trail [The Land] FARMERS could soon monitor movements and estimate populations of invasive species on their land thanks to a combination of aerial robots, artificial intelligence and Bayesian statistics. Queensland University of Technology researchers Dr Felipe Gonzalez and Dr Sandra Johnson have joined forces to develop a multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) fixed with an infrared camera to detect a range of animals. 31-03-2015: International research examines the use of UAS to detect pest insects and diseases in food crops [Australian Resources] The Queensland University of Technology, the Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries, and the Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry have teamed up with Kansas State University to collaborate on an international project that looks at using unmanned aerial systems (UAS) as a quick and efficient method to detect pest insects and diseases in food crops before outbreaks happen. 30-03-2015: Kansas State researchers team with Australians in using unmanned aircraft in agriculture [sUAS News] Equipped with cameras, global positioning systems and an array of sensors, the UASs hover over fields, snapping photos every two seconds from a height of 75 to 100 feet. Those photos then are compiled into a mosaic, which allows McCornack’s small team to scan hundreds of acres of land for signs of disease or infestation. 26-02-2015: Fire fighters to be using drones by the end of the year  [Brisbane Times] One of Australia's favourite new high-tech toys could have shaved hours off the emergency response to Tropical Cyclone Marcia, a Brisbane drone expert says. His comments come as the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services looks to start using the unmanned aircraft to respond to emergencies by the end of the year. 24-02-2015: Drones count Koalas in QUT breakthrough [ABC News 24] Koalas are difficult to count in the wild, so researchers at Queensland's University of Technology have turned to drones with infra-red cameras. 24-02-2015: Drones with heat-tracking cameras used to monitor koala population [ABC News] Queensland researchers are hoping drones will aid in the conservation of threatened species like koalas.


25-10-2014: A drone of your own [612 ABC Brisbane Radio] Interested in finding out how unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be used by emergency services? Listen to 612 ABC radio presenter Chris Welsh and ARCAA Director Professor Duncan Campbell discuss this and more. 06-10-2014: Queensland drone research could help emergency response efforts in natural disasters [ABC News] World-first research by Queensland scientists could enable unmanned aircraft or drones to be used in emergency response efforts –  watch here. 01-10-2014: Canberra team wins UAV challenge [Australian Aviation] How glad lost tourist Outback Joe must have been when an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) dropped a 500ml water bottle within 2.6 metres of his desperate grasp near Kingaroy Airport in outback Queensland. 30-09-2014: Canberra drone team dances a samba in Outback Challenge [The Register] This time around, the group didn't miss a trick. Canberra UAV's “Gang Gang” entrant located Joe, and its water-bottle drop landed just 2.6 metres away from the target.

29-09-2014: Gang-gang: Canberra's champion drone [The Canberra Times] A Canberra Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) team has just used its clever drone to save the life of a tourist, Joe, lost in the God-forsaken wastes of Queensland.

28-09-2014: Got it first time: Elusive Outback Joe found [South Burnett Times] A CANBERRA group of unmanned aircraft enthusiasts lifted the title of the 2014 UAV Challenge on Friday. 27-09-2014: Canberra UAV Wins $50,000 [South Burnett Times] A bunch of UAV enthusiasts from Canberra went home $50,000 richer after the official winding up of the 2014 UAV Challenge at Kingaroy Airport on Friday. 25-09-2014: Brothers Find Outback Joe...At Last [South Burnett Times] Outback Joe has finally been found … 2558 days after he first went “missing” near Kingaroy. 24-09-2014: Search Begins For Outback Joe [South Burnett Times] After scrutineering at Kingaroy Airport, 15 UAV teams from eight countries qualified to take part in the 2014 Outback Challenge. 22-09-2014: QUT gets onboard with drones in new horticulture project [ITWire]| Dr Felipe Gonzalez, from QUT is leading the QUT component of a CRC research project to advance the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to scope and prevent infestation of pests in the Australian agricultural industry. 22-09-2014: UAVs Ready For Take-Off! [South Burnett Times] If confidence is the magic ingredient, there’s absolutely no doubt Outback Joe will finally be rescued in the next few days, and the $50,000 prize money in the elusive Outback Challenge will be distributed. 21-09-2014: Clayfield's Aviation High enters UAV Outback Challenge in Kingaroy [Brisbane City News] Aviation High student Stan Maziarz will take part in UAV Outback Challenge from September 22-26. UAV is short for Unmanned Airborne Vehicles, flying machines which can perform activities without actually needing human pilots. They rely on modern computers and sensors to perform tasks. 19-09-2014: UAV pilots compete to save 'bushwalker' [South Burnett Times] MOTELS across town are gearing up for a busy week as hundreds of aerospace enthusiasts descend on Kingaroy for the Unmanned Airborne Vehicle Challenge beginning on Monday and running through out the week. 27-08-2014: Will They Finally Rescue Outback Joe? [South Burnett Times] Poor old Outback Joe has been lost near Kingaroy since 2007, but would-be rescuers haven’t given up hope of finding him and taking home $50,000 in prize money. 15-08-2014: Unmanned search and rescue challenge doubles numbers [South Burnett Times] COMPETITORS for this year's UAV search and rescue challenge in Kingaroy have been announced with the number of teams doubling those ever invited. 18-06-2014: QUT Researchers build SUAS to identify aircrafts in flight to avoid collision [Geospatial World] Unmanned systems researchers at Australia’s Queensland University of Technology have developed a small UAS with an onboard system that enables the vehicle to use vision to detect another aircraft in flight and avoid it.


05/07/2012 - ARCAA hosted the crew from Scope for their episode on "Future Transport". Hear about some of our work on "the green falcon", multitouch/multiuser tabletop, and aircraft simulation.


02/04/2011 - ARCAA on Scope - Hear ARCAA researcher Scott McNamara explain what a UAV is, and how they are utilised for our research. ARCAA Opening: ABC News Report (ARCAA Opening):   Channel 10 News Report (ARCAA Opening): httpv:// Smart Skies Video: